JAIR Volume 1 Masthead
Steven Minton, NASA Ames Research Center
Jon Doyle, MIT
Fausto Giunchiglia, IRST
Henry Kautz, AT&T Bell Laboratories
Richard Korf, UCLA
Wendy Lehnert, Univ. of Mass.
Richard Sutton, GTE Laboratories
Daniel Weld, Univ. of Wash.
Jan Aikins, Trinzic Corp.
Yuichiro Anzai, Keio Univ.
Rodney Brooks, MIT
Murray Campbell, IBM
Thomas Dean, Brown Univ.
Rina Dechter, UC Irvine
Gerald DeJong, Univ. of Illinois
Johan de Kleer, Xerox PARC
Didier Dubois, Univ. Paul Sabatier
Edmund Durfee, Univ. of Michigan
David Etherington, CIRL, Univ. of Oregon
Oren Etzioni, Univ. of Washington
Kenneth Forbus, ILS, Northwestern Univ.
Michael Georgeff, Australian AI Institute
Matthew Ginsberg, CIRL, Univ. of Oregon
Walter Hamscher, Price Waterhouse
David Haussler, UC Santa Cruz
Julia Hirschberg, AT&T Bell Laboratories
Lawrence Hunter, National Library of Medicine
Takeo Kanade, Carnegie Mellon Univ.
Hiroaki Kitano, Sony Computer Science Laboratories
Pat Langley, ISLE and Stanford Univ.
Ramon Lopez de Mantaras, CSIC
David McAllester, MIT
Kathleen McKeown, Columbia Univ.
Stephen Muggleton, Oxford Univ.
Hideyuki Nakashima, Electrotechnical Laboratories
Nils Nilsson, Stanford Univ.
Toyoaki Nishida, Kyoto Univ.
Christos Papadimitriou, UC San Diego
Judea Pearl, UCLA
Tomaso Poggio, MIT
Martha Pollack, Univ. of Pittsburgh
Ross Quinlan, Univ. of Sydney
Edwina Rissland, Univ. of Mass.
Paul Rosenbloom, ISI, USC
Stuart Russell, UC Berkeley
Erik Sandewall, Univ.
Bart Selman, AT&T Bell Laboratories
Stuart Shieber, Harvard Univ.
Douglas Smith, Kestrel Institute
Luc Steels, Univ. of Brussels
Anthony Stentz, Carnegie Mellon Univ.
Peter Struss, Technical Univ. of Munich
Hozumi Tanaka, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Austin Tate, AIAI, Edinburgh Univ.
David Touretzky, Carnegie Mellon Univ.
Michael Wellman, Univ. of Michigan
Jaime Carbonell, Carnegie Mellon Univ.
Thomas Dietterich, Oregon State
Oren Etzioni, Univ. of Washington
Kenneth Forbus, ILS, Northwestern Univ.
Peter Friedland, NASA Ames Research Center
Matthew Ginsberg, CIRL, Univ. of Oregon
Paul Rosenbloom, ISI, USC
Bart Selman, AT&T Bell Laboratories
Martha Del Alto, NASA Ames Research Center
Helen Stewart, NASA Ames Research Center