This page contains the source code for Hillary and the source code for the NxN puzzle domain. To execute Hillary on the NxN puzzle domain just execute "(parametric-hillary)". Updates and demos can be found at
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Hillary.lisp ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defstruct domain name basic-ops apply-op-fn heur-fn gen-goal-fn (copy-fn #'copy-tree) parameter) (defparameter *escape-fn* 'iterative-limited-bfs)(defvar *macros* nil) (defparameter *macros-in-escape* nil) (defvar *quiescence* 0)(defparameter *max-quiescence* 50) (defvar *ops-applications* 0)(defvar *learning* t)(defvar *n-problems* 0) (defvar *domain* nil)(defvar *transitions* 0)(defparameter *trans-step* 100) (defun hillary (&optional (domain *domain*)(macros nil)) (setf *macros* macros *quiescence* 0 *transitions* 0 *learning* t) (loop until (> *quiescence* *max-quiescence*) for p from 1 for problem = (generate-training-problem domain) do (solve-problem (first problem)(second problem) domain) (format t "~% Solved ~d Problems" p) finally (return *macros*))) (defun parametric-hillary (&optional (dom *domain*)(macros nil) &aux (domain (copy-domain dom))) (setq *macros* macros) (loop for macros-before = (length macros) for macros = (hillary domain macros) do (incf (domain-parameter domain)) (format t "~%***~%Parameter=~d~%***~%" (domain-parameter domain)) until (= macros-before (length macros)) finally (return macros))) (defun solve-problem (init-s goal-s dom) (let ((cur-s init-s) solution) (loop until (or (equalp cur-s goal-s)(eql solution 'fail)) for local-minimum = t for cur-v = (funcall (domain-heur-fn dom) cur-s goal-s dom) do (loop for op in (get-operators dom) for next-s = (apply-op op cur-s dom) until (not local-minimum) when (and next-s (< (funcall (domain-heur-fn dom) next-s goal-s dom) cur-v)) do (setq local-minimum nil cur-s next-s) (push op solution)) (when local-minimum (let ((escape-route (funcall *escape-fn* cur-s goal-s dom))) (cond ((and escape-route (not (eql escape-route 'fail))) (when *learning* (acquire-macro escape-route)) (setq cur-s (apply-op escape-route cur-s dom)) (setq solution (append (reverse escape-route) solution))) (t (setq solution 'fail)))))) (if (eql solution 'fail) solution (reverse solution)))) (defun acquire-macro (macro) (setf *quiescence* 0) (format t "~%Macro: ~A Length : ~d n-macros: ~d " macro (length macro)(+ 1 (length *macros*))) (setq *macros* (merge 'list (list macro) *macros* #'< :key #'(lambda (a) (length a))))) (defun apply-op (op state dom &aux new-s) (cond ((listp op)(setf new-s (funcall (domain-copy-fn dom) state)) (loop for basic-op in op while new-s do (setq new-s (funcall (domain-apply-op-fn dom) basic-op new-s dom t)) finally (return new-s))) (t (funcall (domain-apply-op-fn dom) op state dom)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun generate-training-problem (dom) (incf *quiescence*)(incf *n-problems*) (incf *transitions* *trans-step*) (let ((goal (funcall (domain-gen-goal-fn dom) dom))) (list (generate-random-state goal *transitions* dom) goal))) (defun generate-random-state (goal n dom &aux (basic-ops (domain-basic-ops dom))) (loop for s = (funcall (domain-copy-fn dom) goal) then (or (funcall (domain-apply-op-fn dom) op s dom t) s) for op = (elt basic-ops (random (length basic-ops))) repeat n finally (return s))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defstruct node state v op) (defparameter *init-breadth* 100)(defparameter *depth-limit* 50) (defun iterative-limited-bfs (cur-state goal-s dom) (loop with base = (length (get-operators dom *macros-in-escape*)) for exponent from 1 to *depth-limit* for breadth-limit = (+ *init-breadth* (expt base exponent)) for result = (limited-bfs breadth-limit *depth-limit* cur-state goal-s dom) until result finally (return result))) (defun limited-bfs (breadth-limit depth-limit init-s goal-s dom) (let* ((init-val (funcall (domain-heur-fn dom) init-s goal-s dom)) open improving-path (new-open (list (make-node :state init-s :v init-val :op nil)))) (loop until improving-path for depth from 1 to depth-limit do (setq open new-open new-open nil) (loop for node in open until improving-path for state = (node-state node) for cur-op = (node-op node) do (loop for op in (get-operators dom *macros-in-escape*) for new-s = (apply-op op state dom) until improving-path when new-s do (let ((new-v (funcall (domain-heur-fn dom) new-s goal-s dom)) (new-op (if (listp op)(append (reverse op) cur-op) (cons op cur-op)))) (cond ((< new-v init-val) (setq improving-path (reverse new-op))) (t (setq new-open (insert (make-node :state new-s :v new-v :op new-op) new-open breadth-limit)))))))) improving-path)) (defun insert (new-node list breadth-limit) (unless (member new-node list :test #'(lambda (a b)(and (= (node-v a)(node-v b))(equalp (node-state a)(node-state b))))) (setf list (merge 'list (list new-node) list #'< :key #'node-v)) (when (> (length list) breadth-limit)(nbutlast list))) list) (defun get-operators (dom &optional (include-macros t) &aux (basic (domain-basic-ops dom))) (if include-macros (append basic *macros*) basic))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; n-puzzle-domain.lisp ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defparameter *domain* (make-domain :name 'n-puzzle :basic-ops '(U D L R) :heur-fn 'puzzle-heur :parameter 3 :apply-op-fn 'puzzle-apply-op-fn :gen-goal-fn 'puzzle-gen-goal :copy-fn 'puzzle-copy )) (deftype puzzle-array () '(simple-array fixnum (* *))) (defun puzzle-copy (state &aux (arr (second state))) (let ((new-arr (make-array (array-dimensions arr) :element-type 'fixnum))) (declare (type puzzle-array new-arr)(type puzzle-array arr)(optimize (speed 3))) (loop for i fixnum below (array-total-size arr) do (setf (row-major-aref new-arr i) (row-major-aref arr i))) (list (copy-list (first state)) new-arr))) (defun puzzle-apply-op-fn (op state dom &optional (dont-copy nil) &aux new-state) (incf *ops-applications*) (when (puzzle-legal-op op state dom) (setq new-state (if dont-copy state (puzzle-copy state))) (move-tile op new-state) new-state)) (defun puzzle-legal-op (op state dom &aux (n (domain-parameter dom))) (let ((loc (offset-loc (get-empty-loc state) op))) (and (>= (first loc) 0)(>= (second loc) 0) (< (first loc) n)(< (second loc) n)))) (defun move-tile (op state) (let* ((empty-loc (get-empty-loc state)) (new-loc (offset-loc empty-loc op))) (set-tile empty-loc state (get-tile new-loc state)) (set-tile new-loc state 0))) (defun offset-loc (loc op &aux (nl (copy-list loc))) (case op (r (incf (second nl)))(l (decf (second nl))) (d (incf (first nl)))(u (decf (first nl)))) nl) (defun puzzle-heur (state goal-s dom &key (order *order-function*) &aux (n (domain-parameter dom))) (multiple-value-bind (next-loc prefix-size) (find-next-tile-loc state goal-s n order) (let ((cur-loc (and next-loc (find-tile-loc (get-tile next-loc goal-s) state))) (empty-loc (get-empty-loc state))) (cond ((null next-loc) 0) (t (+ (manhatan-distance empty-loc cur-loc) (* 2 n (manhatan-distance cur-loc next-loc)) (* 2 n 2 n (- (* n n) prefix-size)))))))) (defparameter *order-function* 'row-order) (defun find-next-tile-loc (state goal-s n order) (loop with next-loc for count from 0 do (setq next-loc (funcall order next-loc n)) until (or (null next-loc) (/= (get-tile next-loc state)(get-tile next-loc goal-s))) finally (return (values next-loc count)))) (defun row-order (last-loc n &aux (i (first last-loc))(j (second last-loc))) (cond ((null last-loc)(list 0 0)) ((< j (1- n))(list i (1+ j))) ((< i (1- n))(list (1+ i) 0)) (t nil))) (defun manhatan-distance (loc1 loc2) (+ (abs (- (first loc1)(first loc2))) (abs (- (second loc1)(second loc2))))) (defun find-tile-loc (tile-to-find state &aux (arr (second state))) (loop for i below (array-dimension arr 0) do (loop for j below (array-dimension arr 1) when (= tile-to-find (aref arr i j)) do (return-from find-tile-loc (list i j))))) (defun get-empty-loc (state)(first state)) (defun get-tile (loc state) (aref (second state) (first loc)(second loc))) (defun set-tile (loc state val) (when (zerop val)(setf (first state) loc)) (setf (aref (second state) (first loc)(second loc)) val)) (defun puzzle-gen-goal (dom &aux (n (domain-parameter dom))) (let ((b (list nil (make-array (list n n) :element-type 'fixnum)))) (loop with next-loc for k from 1 do (setq next-loc (funcall *order-function* next-loc n)) (when next-loc (set-tile next-loc b (mod k (* n n)))) while next-loc) (list (find-tile-loc 0 b) (second b))))