The original paper contained an error in the definition of "optimal rplan dependency graph" (Definition 1). A dependency (x,x') between two variables was not recorded in case the responsible precondition on x was already true in the state in question. That, however, is correct only if x is not part of the graph and thus will not change its value. The present paper corrects this error, as well as an implication it had for the definition of "local dependency graph" (Definition 3). The only proof that needed to be adapted was that of Lemma 3. All experiments were re-run, and yielded exactly the same results as before. The text was adapted in some places to reflect the changed definitions. Here is a brief change log: -- Section 4: Minor changes to text of bullets (A) and (B); minor changes in rightmost column of Table 1. -- Section 5: Corrected Definition 1 (adding two times "or x \in V \setminus \{x_0\}" in the middle paragraph). Extended the explanation directly below the definition. Introduced the notion of "inverse" transition in the context of "invertible transition" (unrelated to the error, helps to make text clearer). -- Section 6: Corrected Definition 3 (adding "or x \in V \setminus \{x_0\}" one time in the middle paragraph). -- Appendix A.2: Repeated definition of inverse/invertible for improved self-containedness. Corrected proof of Lemma 3 by extending the arguments in the induction proving properties (a) and (b).